
Developments of Prison Television Monitoring System

Multi-stage video of the prison television network monitoring system (currently common)
The program constitutes a
Squadron room: to accept the front of the camera's video signal; have to be able to control the character with the small and medium-sized front-end analog video matrix, generally 2 to 4 monitors for local monitoring and 2 to 4 analog video upload Battalion; to the front of the video after video distributor all the way to the matrix, at the same time another way to the hard disk video recorder (DVR) the local video, the DVR can watch the display with single or multi-channel digital video (4/9/16) digital images Video, the DVR also has the DVS (video servers) function, it can pass a dedicated local area network upload 2 to 4 digital video control room to the group: group only analog matrix + monitors if there is a group for 6 to 8 squadron Each squadron to upload Battalion 4 analog video, the group to the prison control room from 12 to 24-channel analog video signals, the group also computer software and decoding, can dedicated local area network access to the Internet to see squadrons of digital video signals, the unit can also be Private LAN Control Squadron and the squadron of the matrix DVR, no storage unit; prison control room: from the brigade and analog video signals from the perimeter (the common corridor, the district office) the analog video signals in the control room is equipped with large analog video Matrix, the Matrix could be part of the output signal on the TV wall, a small portion of the analog video uploaded to the Authority, the video server can also convert analog video to digital video signals through the network dedicated to the Authority Board to upload (the latter is at present Commonly used method). In the prison control room through the matrix control signals to control the squadron and the brigade of the matrix, the control signals through dedicated local area network-down. In the prison control room there is a certain amount of storage capacity to address the group regardless of the squadron and regional stand-by capacity. Authority can also signal control (through dedicated local area network) to see the front of any video signal, but a limited number, which is savings. At present, the two groups to see digital video, a DVR through to the other group through the prison control room in the video server.

The program features (the most commonly used)
(1) squadron based squadron to the front of the camera control room, a squadron of analog control room if matrix, DVR, DVS DVR functions, the system more simple, this part of the analog video signal sent to group (4 to 6 general way ), A squadron generally monitors to see 16 images, in order to see the full, DVR can also view the display screen 16, 16 and then the screen can also look at single screen, all the way or the other single-screen in the 2nd Rd Monitors on display, these two single screen to watch important events and circumstances, single-sided surface that can switch between the front of every camera.
(2) per squadron of 4 to 6 analog to the group, the only team to monitor, there is no storage, analog matrix, the matrix output in the control room to send 12 to 16 video signals. General: squadron is a floor, the group is a floor. A brigade normally has 3 to 6 squadron. In a control room control group 6 to 10.

If there is squadron, battalion, prisons, four of the Authority
(1) analog video images are uploaded to a level that is from the squadron group → → prison (in the control room) → Authority. They are the analog video matrix to upload, although some of the images uploaded every level, but can be remote-controlled way to see the front of each image.
(2) if with a selection of DVS (video servers) of hard disk recorders, the squadron will be the way a few digital video signal sent to the local area network, the squadron, group, the Prison Administration, which could see a few local area network digital video signal path, attention DVS's DVR functionality is limited, approach to see it limited.
(3) in the control room with DVS (video servers) to a higher level so that lower-level local area network through a dedicated digital video signal through the remote control can see the front of any image, but not at the same time to see each.
(4) This program is another major features: control signals through dedicated local area network, in theory: squadron, battalion, prisons, the Authority can control each other, the actual control or have the authority, or the general control of a one-way downward, as a result of Digital control signals occupy a smaller amount of information generally does not affect the main functions of the special needs of local area network. Image part of the digital signal on a dedicated local area network, which is a supplement, is only applicable to the use of minority leadership, otherwise this would adversely affect the normal use of a dedicated local area network. This special attention to the local area network refers to the prison system of dedicated local area network, in order to solve the congestion channel, the other should be built for the exclusive use of local area network television monitor it.
(5) This program is a relatively long period of time in the mainstream, the biggest advantages: money, image quality is good, no time delay devices, and so mature.

